Individual Therapy
Your search for help has led you here. Today is probably not the first day that you have felt like something is wrong, but things have persisted or progressed to the point where you have begun to search for help, an important first step. You may have experienced a life altering trauma or change. Or perhaps you are struggling because something has felt “off” for a long time. It could be that you are trying to cope with a loss, feeling stuck with a debilitating mood disorder such as depression or anxiety. Maybe you are struggling with addiction and decided it is time to reach out for help. Or it could be that you have a child or other loved one that you are trying to reach

Whatever the issue may be, imagine waking up hopeful. Imagine being able to communicate and connect consistently. How comforting to feel like you have someone in your corner who is prioritizing your well-being. Think of a world brighter and more positive then you've been used to. You can feel stronger and more confident in your life.
Think of how good it would be to feel helped. To find some relief. Like a breeze at your back as you continue to pedal up the hill. We understand that when it comes to therapy you have many options. We also know that when it comes to being able to progress toward your goals the right “therapeutic fit” with your therapist is essential. We feel you have come to the right place and we can offer you renewed hope for an improved life. We are experienced, competent, and caring therapists that will keep your best interests at heart. We look forward to connecting with you.